Revisiting a craft project over and over means that the aspects of design and creation of that project really appealed to the crafter.

Goody Two 1Of course, fellow creative types will know how strong the draw is to start something new. Fondly called Startitis 😉 With the power of social media, new patterns and craft materials are being showcased every day. The magnetic force towards “ooh shiny” is sometimes irresistible (who am I kidding, this happens far too often!) Goody Two 2

But what about those projects that you had so much fun making, the ones that you want to keep making over and over again? I’ve got a couple of those potato chipy patterns!  (Hexies anyone!!)

Goody Two 3The Goody Goody Binding Kit is one of those.  My first one was very close to what the pattern suggested. Now, I’m making a second one and I’ve tweaked a few things with the overall construction. I’m still rocking the Elmer’s Glue tip, though, lol!! Goody Two 4

No, I don’t need another binding kit.  But oh yes, I had so much fun making the first one that another one just had to be made!! This project checks a lot of boxes on my crafty-fun-list 😀

Goody Two 5All the bits and pieces are now sewn together. Goody Two 6

Next, a quick bit of hand stitching before this project is done.

Goody Two 7I’ve been getting some knitting done too, in honor of Socktober. As Kid President says, “Do something awesome!” Socktober

Small projects like these are a great source of instant gratification because up next… see this stack here

Square Stack 2

Yup, another quilt cut out and ready to be pieced!  Unlike the last one, this time I’m following a pattern 😉

** Linking up with WIP Wednesday and Let’s Bee Social **

When I was little I remember my grandma spending hours sewing at her sewing machine. Always humming as she sewed. She had the sweetest singing voice. Every once in a while she would ask me to “help” sort through her scraps by size and that was the thrilling task I was waiting for.  She would cut those scraps into squares or rectangles, sometimes pausing and chuckling.  She would tell me how this piece was from a dress she had sewn for one of us grandkids, or how some other piece was part of a vintage pillowcase she had saved because it was too pretty to throw away.  I was fascinated.

First Quilt 1

Before I knew it, she would have an adorable quilt top ready to be finished and gifted to a new baby. When my son was born, she wrapped him in a bright, soft quilt she had specially made for him. I knew that there was so much love and so many memories wrapped in that little blanket.  By the time my daughter was born, we had relocated and my grandma was too frail to sit for long periods at the sewing machine. She busied herself instead with handwork.  She sent me the cutest little linen dress that she had hand sewn for my newborn with little rosettes embroidered at the neck.  She was an incredible woman, my grandma!  I wanted to be just a little like her 🙂

First Quilt 2

I bought a couple of charm packs when Bonnie and Camille released their Scrumptious fabric line for Moda. I knew I wanted to make a quilt with it.  Since this was going to be my first actual quilt (you know, something larger than 24 inches square!!) I wanted something super simple and easy!  So, what did I do?  I sliced into those charm packs fearlessly with no pattern in mind 😀  Yeah, living on the wild side at all that!!

First Quilt 3

Fortunately, it all worked out

FIrst Quilt 4

I pieced each block trying to keep within the same color family.  I used Kona White for the background and boom, I had a quilt top done!

First Quilt 5

I used a vintage sheet for the backing and it is Oh. So. Soft.

First Quilt 6

The quilting is as “free motion” as I dared to do, a.k.a squiggly lines using my walking foot.  I really want to learn free motion quilting soon but it looks so complicated.  Any tips for where a newbie could begin?

First Quilt 7

I wanted a stripey binding and when I found this bias candy stripe, my heart just sang!!

First Quilt 8

Way before it was done, my daughter called dibs on this quilt. It’s the perfect size for her bed even though I didn’t measure or plan anything.  Accidental win, yay!  I basically just sewed blocks until I ran out of charm squares!

First Quilt 9

This quilt has been finished ages ago, the picture taking was what slowed me down.

First Quilt 10

#husbandsholdingquilts… yup, that’s really a thing!!

First Quilt 11

I’m going to wash this quilt this weekend since the white is beginning to take on a dullish grey with all the love!! Crinkle city… so excited!

First Quilt 12

Throughout the making of this quilt, I thought of my grandma so much. I thoroughly enjoyed the process, although, nothing compares to the joy I felt when my daughter wrapped herself in it and said, “Thank you Mama, thank you!!”

First Quilt 13

As a fellow maker, I now know why my grandma loved doing what she did ♡

First Quilt 14

** Linking up :: Finish It Friday, Whoop Whoop Friday **

When I saw the Goody Goody Binding Kit by Vanessa Goertzen making the rounds on Instagram, I knew I wanted to make one.  I also knew that this kit would have many uses other than solely for binding quilty projects.

Goody Goody 1

I finished all the sewing before we went away on summer vacation and then attached the binding by hand while enjoying the lull of beachside waves.  There is no other sound more calming than that!!

I’m delighted with this finish!  It’s definitely a make-another-and-another type pattern!

There are so many details that are well explained by Vanessa in the making of this bag. She has a video over here that shows how she uses Elmer’s glue to attach the zipper before sewing it down!  Um, yes please!

Goody Goody 2

The original pattern calls for making a strawberry shape as a scissor keep.  I changed that and made a square using scraps.

Goody Goody 3

I loved being able to use so many different happy prints in one project 🙂

Goody Goody 4

I’ve got this kit “loaded” with my binding essentials and I’m waiting to put it to use with my next project.

Goody Goody 5

I can see my daughter using this bag to cart around her markers and pencils for art on the go.

Goody Goody 6

It’s also perfect for notions and extra circular needles for knitting projects.  No more fishing for those at the bottom of my knitting bag.  Now that the weather has finally cooled down, I’m thinking about getting my knitting out 😉

Goody Goody 7

And how amazing would this be to house my English Paper Piecing supplies!

Goody Goody 9

I’ve got a second bag cut and ready to put together.  That’s how delightful and fun this project was!

Goody Goody 8

** Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday **

After what has been an epic summer, today is the first day back to school for my kids!  Yes, HUGE grin 😀

A few weeks ago, Amanda from The Cozy Pumpkin asked me to share a Tuesday Tip on her blog.  To say that I was thrilled to bits is an understatement!!


So today, to celebrate Back To School, I have a tutorial for you 🙂  Head on over to Amanda’s blog to read more about it.

English Paper Pieceing (EPP) is so much fun and a great way to use up all your scraps. Make cute little hexagons to embellish your other projects or sew them together to make hexie flowers and other shapes.  To make EPP speedy, I’ll show you step-by-step how I glue baste hexagons.

Glue Basting 1.2

While you’re visiting Amanda’s blog, check out all her other amazing tips and tricks to make quilting, fun and easy. There’s also tons of eye candy with wonderful finished projects and works in progress!

Thanks Amanda, for letting me share this Tuesday Tip with your readers 🙂  Happy Tuesday all!

I was looking for dinner inspiration on the interwebs the other day and you know how AdSense shows you pictures on the sidebar of things that you may be interested in. They have to rework their algorithm because I get a lot of promotions for power tools!!  I don’t think I’ve ever actively “googled” power tools for this to happen, but nonetheless.

This time however, there was this cool looking project tutorial by Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co. I paused dinner plans and went on to watch the tutorial called Easy Cathedral Window – fascinating!  I didn’t really want to make a big project using this new-to-me technique. Pinterest showed me a pincushion version of the Cathedral Window and I bookmarked it. Perfect!

Cathedral Window 2Post dinner, using this tutorial from Riley Blake, I set to work and voila!

Cathedral Window 5

Such a cute little thing waiting to be jabbed with pins!  Oh, that didn’t come out right, did it!!

Cathedral Window 4

When I thought about writing this post, I was curious about why this is called a “Cathedral Window”. So, I dug around and found some interesting stuff.  The first quilt using this block was seen at the Chicago World Fair in 1933.  So, it’s been around for a while!  This block has many other names, Daisy Block, Orange Blossoms, Attic Window, Pain In The Neck (the person who came up with that name that should have stuck with making a pincushion!)

Cathedral Window 3

When the pattern became popular during that era, the colorful fabric that was used for the “windows” was usually lightweight muslin or gauze producing a stained glass effect just like those found in the windows of cathedrals.  The frames were made using a heavier weight fabric and usually solid in contrast.

For my project, I wasn’t really going for a stained glass effect.  I used regular quilting cotton for the whole thing.

Cathedral Window 1

Button on the top.  Done!

** Linking up with Amanda Jean for Finish It Up Friday **

Who doesn’t love a pretty bag to store notions and other crafty essentials.  Bonus if it’s got a zipper and a pocket to store treats!

Goody Goody 1

The Goody Goody Binding Kit definitely checks all those boxes.  Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique designed this bag and she has a free tutorial for it on her blog.

Goody Goody 3

Her trick for zipper installation worked like a charm.  Who knew that good old Elmer’s school glue would make installing the zipper such a breeze!  So much better than using pins and having your fabric pieces shift while sewing.

Goody Goody 2

I did have some shifting but nothing that can’t be concealed within the outer seams 😉

My Goody Goody is in progress and I love all the little details and different fabrics that you can use.  The possibilities are endless.

Goody Goody 4

The front is quilted with straight lines, 1/2 inch apart.  Gotta love that walking foot!

Goody Goody 5

Vanessa designed this binding kit to keep all of your quilt binding essentials in one place. However, I think it would work perfectly for a variety of craft related notions… hexie making stuff, knitting bits and bobs, travel organizer!

Goody Goody 6

**Linking up with WIP Wednesday and Let’s Bee Social**

After months of drought, it rained yesterday, finally!  So refreshing!!  We decided that a lunch of fish and chips was in order and where better than to taste fresh, west-coast fare than right at the heart of the fishing village of Steveston!

Steveston 2Steveston might look familiar to those who’ve watched the show Once Upon A Time.  It’s the filming location of the fictitious town, Storybrooke.  I stopped watching the show half way through the first season, so I don’t know if it is still on.  I was pleasantly surprised that other than the familiar buildings and main street of Storybrooke, there isn’t any visible Once Upon A Time paraphernalia which is just how things should be.   This is and always will be historic Steveston Village. Steveston 1

Our lunch was a delicious assortment of halibut, ling cod and Dungeness crab.  Oh my goodness, so amazing!

Steveston 5After lunch, we walked down Fishermans Wharf to the fishing boats selling their catch of the day.  Next time I’ll bring the cooler to take back some of that fresh seafood. Steveston 4We continued to wander in and out of little boutiques and stores that were charming and full of wonderful details. Established in 1880, Steveston has plenty of history and charm. Steveston 3Steveston also houses one of the Interurban Trams simply called “The 12-20”.  This tram dates back to 1912 and is being carefully restored piece by piece. Steveston 7

Sitting on those seats, it was hard not to imagine people taking the tram to work, or young couples looking forward to a night out at the theatre, or families riding the tram to enjoy a day of fun in the city.

Steveston 10The Interurban Tram network operated until 1958.  The 12-20’s route is quite similar to present day Canada Line right from Vancouver Airport into the downtown core. The SkyTrain which is part of Vancouver’s convenient urban transit system, all began with those tram cars. Steveston 11There are other tram cars from the Interurban network, being restored and displayed in other parts of Metro Vancouver and I’d like to visit them all.  I do love stories about this amazing city of ours! Steveston 14

Some of us really had fun hamming it up for the camera with our imaginary cups of tea… take my picture Daddy, take my picture Daddy!!!Steveston 13

Another “take my picture Daddy!”  Definitely a nice way to spend the afternoon by the seaside 🙂

Steveston 12


My jar of hexagons overfloweth!

Hexagoning 1

Instead, this has become my current “hexie station”.

Hexagoning 2

I discovered a new way (new to me) to make hexagons… glue basting!  So quick and easy and effective.

Hexagoning 3

I bought the pre-cut paper 1″ hexagons from Paper Pieces LLC and I’ve been putting them to good use with my fabric scraps.

Hexagoning 4

I use the Sewline glue pen for basting.  Easy, no mess and the glue is blue, so I can see where (and how much) I’m spreading it.

If my scraps are too small to go around the hexagon templates, they get stored away in my “ticker tape box”.  When I’ve accumulated enough bits, I’ll make another ticker tape mini.

Hexagoning 5

This week I’ve been listening to The Nightingale on audiobook and slowly adding to my hexie station… while indulging in summer treats 🙂

Summer Spoils 1

I hope you’ve been enjoying the slower pace of summer!

**Linking up with WIP Wednesday and Let’s Bee Social**

The house I grew up in was in Bangalore, India.  One of those old homes that were built during the British Raj with countless quirks and interesting bits.  As a child, I didn’t really stop to think about any of the curious details of that old house.  I took all the antiquities and weird nooks and crannies for granted and loved it all.

Home 1

The hand-painted tiles in our living room, the trellis on the front porch, the mismatched floors, the little courtyard out back, the secret alcove, the garden brimming with fruit trees – mangoes, guavas, coconut, custard apple – deliciousness!  Jasmine and roses, so many roses.  Home.

Home 2

When I was a teenager, my parents decided to modernize and make a more practical use of the space.  I was thrilled as any teenager would be!  So, they razed it to the ground and rebuilt that house.  No trellis, no quirks, no secret alcove.  Sleek and shiny.

Home 3

Then we moved.  I loved our new, new house too.  But, that childhood home with it’s cool, dark hiding places and secret doors will always have a extra special place in my heart.

Home 4

With my own little family, we’ve moved through a few cities and continents over the years.  So we’ve had to do a bit a whole lot of packing and unpacking!  One thing is always steadfast, home is made by those you share it with.  Home and family are just plain synonymous.

Home 5

Home will always be where the heart is.

This “home” block is going to the Peace Comforters of Evergreen, Colorado.  An organization that helps bring comfort to victims of crime and trauma.  #forkeepspledge

It’s been a quiet couple weeks.  Vineet is out of town.  He’s in India actually for a family wedding and as you may have heard, Indian weddings are one long, loud, crazy, colorful party.  It’s very true!!  Prithvi is at Aviation Camp on Vancouver Island.  So, it’s just us girls at home.  At first, I was happy with all this quiet.  But then that got old really quickly.  I’ve cooked twice since the guys left and as much as cooking is my least favorite activity, I’ve actually missed it!  All the same, it’s been so sweet to spend time with my Kiki-bee ♡

Color Pink 2

Back to my musings…

My morning ritual has always been to catch up on emails with coffee in hand.  Today, I decided to actually sit down and enjoy that first cup in the backyard.

Color Pink 3

That’s when I noticed that everything blooming right now is pink, or shades of.

Color Pink 4

Coffee forgotten, I grabbed my camera and got down to clickclickclick.

Color Pink 8

Apparently, this summer is brought to you by the color pink.

Color Pink 1

Look at the teeny blue stamens.  Nature just can’t be beat!

Color Pink 5

I didn’t plan this particular color bonanza when I prepped my containers in the spring.  But everything is pink

Color Pink 6

and more pink

Color Pink 9

Then there’s this rebel 🙂

Color Pink 7

I’m blogging on a Saturday!  That’s a first for me 😉 I’ll be back with a crafty update on Monday.   Have a great weekend folks!