Revisiting a craft project over and over means that the aspects of design and creation of that project really appealed to the crafter.
Of course, fellow creative types will know how strong the draw is to start something new. Fondly called Startitis 😉 With the power of social media, new patterns and craft materials are being showcased every day. The magnetic force towards “ooh shiny” is sometimes irresistible (who am I kidding, this happens far too often!)
But what about those projects that you had so much fun making, the ones that you want to keep making over and over again? I’ve got a couple of those potato chipy patterns! (Hexies anyone!!)
The Goody Goody Binding Kit is one of those. My first one was very close to what the pattern suggested. Now, I’m making a second one and I’ve tweaked a few things with the overall construction. I’m still rocking the Elmer’s Glue tip, though, lol!!
No, I don’t need another binding kit. But oh yes, I had so much fun making the first one that another one just had to be made!! This project checks a lot of boxes on my crafty-fun-list 😀
All the bits and pieces are now sewn together.
Next, a quick bit of hand stitching before this project is done.
I’ve been getting some knitting done too, in honor of Socktober. As Kid President says, “Do something awesome!”
Small projects like these are a great source of instant gratification because up next… see this stack here
Yup, another quilt cut out and ready to be pieced! Unlike the last one, this time I’m following a pattern 😉
** Linking up with WIP Wednesday and Let’s Bee Social **