Ah September, I expected you to be so very different! Sigh!!
What should have been the first day of school filled with the excitement of seeing all their friends, exchanging summer stories, getting locker assignments, and meeting teachers, our kids were greeted with the unfortunate news that the teachers’ union in our province declared a full-scale strike 🙁 So, September began with no school and this continues indefinitely!
I decided to take the glass half full approach and told the kids that we would be doing “school” every morning at home. This announcement was met with a few groans, but I did say that there would be plenty of field trips involved to accompany their learning which made them change their minds real fast! Today is Day 5 of our school-at-home routine and I think a trip to Science World is warranted later in the week!
While we do school, I’ve been hand stitching some english paper pieced hexagons.
With our current schedule being the way it is, all I can manage to do are a couple hexagons here and there. I salute the many moms who homeschool their kids all the time!! Man, it’s hard to coax them to stay on course especially given that Prithvi is in Grade 10 and Kiki is in Grade 2. So, it’s mostly me “teaching” Miss. K while occasionally hovering over Prithvi. Yeah, pre-calculus is way different from regrouping numbers!!
I’ve sort of lost my knitting mojo and I’m sure it will return as soon as the leaves begin to turn outside. I’ve got a couple cozy things on my knitting needles so it’s not like I’m stuck looking for a project or anything 😉
Anyways, if I keep up with the the hexie making, I think can get enough done to make a cute notions pouch soon(ish). These little hexies are the perfect way to use up fabric scraps.
I’ve got a bunch of scraps.
If that wasn’t enough, while we were away, I bought a bag of… you guessed right, scraps!
Time to get back to no school-school. Talk soon 🙂