Poor. Neglected. Blog!!!
I hope everyone is having a great summer! We’re in the middle of a heat wave which us west-coast-wimps don’t handle too well. But you aren’t here to talk about the weather. Moving on!
I don’t know if you have heard about the “For Keeps” campaign founded by Amy Gibson, a talented quilt designer, author and all-round wonderful person. While this movement focusses on sewing and quilting, I think that it applies to any creative process. Being intentional and mindful of what we are making with our hands, helps us nurture the creative process which culminates in a finished product that is going to be used and loved and enjoyed and shared.
When I began this blog oh so many years ago, this space was a way for me to have placeholders for all the various projects I was working on. I added a smattering of life and everyday stuff, but this blog was mainly a creative journal.
I have to admit that most of my crafty endeavors have been swayed by the pursuit of “ooh shiny”. It was only a couple years ago that I stepped back from acquiring more stash than I can knit or sew within this lifetime. (Yes, I still continue to purchase yarn and fabric – I don’t think I can ever put a complete full stop to that!) However, my purchases have become more intentional and focussed. More and more, I am beginning to think about the end product and if it will actually get used before I commit to bringing that stash home with me.
In the spring, I donated a bunch of handknit items to a local women’s shelter. I am ashamed to admit that most of these I wore only the one time when I took pictures to write up a blog post! I do however know that each item was created from the heart and I hope that the person who uses it will find some comfort from that in the midst of their often intolerable circumstances.
It was perfect timing when I read about Amy’s campaign while I was putting this donation bag together. That was when I decided that from here on in, I will be more mindful in making things that I know will be used and loved. Projects that will bring joy to me and my family, benefit my community and those in need.
I’m taking the “For Keeps Pledge”!
Do you have handmade items in your closet that you’ve never used?
**Fabrics are “Up Parasol” by Heather Bailey and “Violette” by Amy Butler and there is print in there from Amy Butler’s older lines. I think all of these play nicely together!**