Only 3 hours south of us by car is Seattle. We took an impulse road trip there last weekend and it was fun! I love unplanned adventures like this and the kids were great about playing along.
My favorite Seattle sight was Pike Place Market especially the flying fish with the singing fishmongers.

Check out these funny lamp men!!

Wonderful stuff all around

Post Alley outside Pike Place Market was very interesting with the famous Great Wall of Gum and fantastic graffiti.

Ewww germy and at the same time, Wow!

Poster graffiti

Seattleites, just like us Vancouverites love our Starbucks. In fact, I’ve seen a crossroads in downtown Vancouver with a Starbucks on every corner. That’s 4 Starbucks-es at one traffic light, sheesh!! Here’s the first ever Starbucks…

We didn’t get a chance to ride up top the Space Needle, but seeing that this won’t be our last Emerald City visit, we have to leave some excitement for next time, right?

Just before lunch, I snuck in a visit to The Fiber Gallery and did not leave empty-handed.

Look at what jumped into my shopping bag…
Tosh DK in “Baltic”

Malabrigo Rios the new Superwash merino in “Paris Night”. I also couldn’t resist a copy of New England Knits.

Lunch was at the famous Red Mill Burgers.

The reviews about their burgers :: all true!

This city gets a major thumbs up from me. Definitely a great place to visit.

Posted by Preeti & filed under Travel, Vacation, Yarn. This post has 7 comments.