No. Not the thigh high boots, trashy make-up, mini skirt wearing profession.
But this….
I was clearing out some stuff and came across this crocheted doily, table topper, runner (???) that I had finished a few years ago. I do not remember where I found the pattern for this but I do remember exactly when I began working on this and it brings back sweet memories. Picture this – freezing temperatures, crackling fire, Austrian alps, delicious warm Schoki… we were at a precious little B&B in Salzburg when I began working on the hexagons. Of course, it took me a few months to complete all the bits and pieces and join them but I remember being so thrilled when it all came together because I had never crafted something this large before!!!
My next big project was a Lanarte cross stitch piece of a ballet dancer which is framed and hangs on our living room wall.
Sadly, crochet and other crafts have taken second place in my crafting basket because knitting keeps being a big bully screaming, “pick me, pick me“. All I have crocheted in the recent past are a couple flowers. Sad, I know! But before I go dive into any other exciting craft, I am determined to work my way through my knitting stash. So, back to the knitting it is, at least for now.