Every December, we seem to have a ton of goverment-issued holidays and this year has been no exception. Thank you Government, I’m not complaining!

Many day trips and fun activities were planned and enjoyed and much laughter warmed our hearts.



All this frenzy of fun has resulted in not many knits and purls and so I have nothing to show in terms of new knitting. A few projects are in various stages of progress (I’m still in small project mode) but nothing has flown off the needles. It’s ok though because this holiday season, I intend to savour every joyful moment.  I say this because lately during tis-the-Christmas-parties-season I’ve noticed many a conversation veering off into the ongoing saga of doom and gloom and the dreaded “R” word (yeah, I’m talking ’bout the recession), but it’s amazing how resilient the human race is and how we cling on to things that bring us joy.


More holiday magic to ensue because it’s back to school for Prithvi this week and then winter break!!  YAY!!! 

Embrace joy!


Yay…it’s December!!!!!


The kids have their Advent calenders out and Christmas carols are playing.  Lights and decorations are going to go up this weekend.  However, our fake tree is going to sit in it’s box unopened thanks to KiKi who insists on “tasting” everything that’s around. 

Bit and bobs I’ve fished out of her mouth recently: lego, newspaper, onion peel, a piece of plastic (I shudder to think where the rest of this object is – in her tummy maybe???), yarn, some questionable looking stuff, etc etc.  So the fake pine needles on our fake Christmas tree are not going down the same route, hence we shall do Christmas sans tree. 


However, the city is sporting many trees adorned with glistening baubles and crystals and fairy lights. While having dinner this weekend at a lovely waterfront restaurant, we spotted this ginormous tree.  It is fake of course (notice the palm trees alongside) and I think that you will see the city’s own “Babel” in the far distance (click on the pic to make bigger and you will see what I mean).  All the same, Christmas is in the air and I feel like singin’!!

On Santa…ever since Prithvi realized that there is no Santa Claus, the excitement around the pot-bellied guy in the red suit has diminished but he told me last week that we have to go back to Santa lists because KiKi can’t miss out on the fun and can he make his own list too?  Now, that’s what I call brain-wash-marketing!! 


A few years ago, he was really perplexed about how Santa dropped off his gifts below our tree since we have no chimney.  He came up with his own solution that Santa uses the air-conditioning vents since he had to find a way to cool off while in Dubai, because after all he’s from the freezing North Pole! 

Santa lists this year…still being debated!

Angry and Sad.  That’s what I feel. 

The terrorist attack in Mumbai that is ongoing is mindless, cruel, cowardly and unthinkable.  I cannot imagine how people can be so evil!!

A fellow Raveler‘s parents are being held hostage at the Taj Hotel.  My prayers and thoughts are with the innocents who are going through this harrowing ordeal.

Today is the day that so many of our friends are celebrating reasons to be thankful for. 

Does evil always have to win over good?  NAY, I say!

Kirtana turned 1 last week.  Surrounded by lots of love, family, friends and homemade cake (thanks to my wonderful MIL!!) our little one had a lovely day. 


It’s hard to believe that this little teeny bundle who was born underweight is now a walking, babbling, exploring toddler and brings us so much joy. 


We waited for her arrival for such a long time (8 years is a long time!!!!) and now she’s made our little family complete:)


Kiki-Bee…Mama, Daddy and Prithvi “anna” love you sooo much.

Happy.  That’s how I’ve been feeling lately.  Happy and thankful for so many things that. Maybe it’s the season, or the optimism about change and hope in these uncertain times.  


I’m on a bitty knitting kick lately where all the projects I want to knit are, well, itty bitty.  I think when knittng minutes in every day are few, they become precious and so embarking on a large scale project will just make me feel like I will never get anything finished. 


I’ve had this self-striping cotton yarn in my stash for a while and so I cast on for this easy and fun dress that I call “Happy”. This is what “KiKi” thought about her doll’s dress…

Hmmm, she wears a diaper too

Hmmm, she wears a diaper too

I can stick my finger in her mouth

I can stick my finger in her mouth

Maybe I will gnaw on her foot

Maybe I will gnaw on her foot

More happy knitting on the needles and I’ll share soon.

I think that I have come to realize what was obvious to everyone other than myself…I blog only when I knit or mostly when I have something knitting related to share. 

Knitting, while being an integral part of who I am, does not define me. 

I am wife, mama, toy-picker-uper, boo-boo-kisser, homework companion, cook (well, occasionally), laundry agent, grocery shopper, playmate, homemaker, knitter and so much more that each woman/wife/mama/friend is made up of.  I think that I was hiding behind my knitting and maintaining a degree of anonymity.  Funny that this is what the internet helps us do.  It’s difficult to put yourself out there and possibly face rejection?  But, this blogging thing, it makes me happy and so I think I will crawl out of my shell and talk more.  Maybe?

On a lighter note…

1. Where is your cell phone? Dining Table
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair color? Black
4. Your mother? India
5. Your father? Missed
6. Your favorite thing? My family
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your dream/goal? Travel the world 
9. The room you’re in? Living Room
10. Your hobby? Knitting
11. Your fear? Death of my loved ones
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Beautiful BC (I miss Canada)
13. Where were you last night? At home
14. What you’re not? Patient
15. One of your wish list items? More sleep
16. Where you grew up? Bangalore, India
17. The last thing you did? Make coffee
18. What are you wearing? Jeans n T-shirt
19. Your TV? Grey’s Anatomy (when I can)
20. Your pet? None
21. Your computer? HP
22. Your mood? Happy
23. Missing someone? Vineet
24. Your car? VW Passat
25. Something you’re not wearing? Socks
26. Favorite store? Souk Madinat
27. Your favorite season? Fall
28. Your favorite color? Pink (I know, ewww!)
29. When is the last time you laughed? This morning with Kirtana
30. Last time you cried? Can’t remember

If you want, you can play along:)


Awhile ago I signed up for a swap on Ravelry organized by the newly-wed Rima (hi Rima!!!).   I got to make a new crafting friend and enjoyed knitting something for someone else.

My swap pal was Huda who is an dental-whizz-scientist and get this, has been crocheting for the past 16 years, no pressure there!!!!  Initially, I was stumped for ideas because Huda lives in southern India where warm woolies are a no-no given the tropical temps, so accessory type knitting it had to be.  

After lots of Ravelry trawling, this is what literally flew off the needles. 


I knit the Montego Bay Scarf for which I used almost 2 skeins of Koigu KPPPM and 5.5mm needles (US size 9).  It turned out light and airy and squishy at the same time because Koigu has the quality of being squishy when knit up.  Me like Koigu!!  I cannot tell you how fast this scarf knit up – the open lace pattern coupled with big knitting logs needles and a simple 4-row repeat helped.

But that’s not all!!  I got my package from Huda yesterday and I have to say, I was blown away by all of the goodies she sent me.  There is a towel that she crocheted an edging for and these dainty roses she embroidered as a monogram.  The sweet roses are also embroidered on a crocheted coin pouch which is lined with silk and a tank top with the same rose detail. 


She included some knitting cotton too in colors that I love!!  To top it all, there was this cute little fella – an amigurumi mouse!!  WOW, thanks Huda!!!


Isn’t he just adorable?

A nasty bug has been making its rounds at our household – first it was the hubster, then the kids and now it’s my turn.  To get through the nasties I thought a strong dose of chocolate gooiness and a good book would be great.  So I baked a batch of brownies – the fudgy, warm, chewy kind and curled up with The Friday Night Knitting Club.  I’m really liking the book so far, can’t wait for the movie to come out.  It’s got Julia Roberts in it and she’s a knitter!! 

I also decided to knit me a bit of happy with this colorful tiny ball of yarn that I had laying around.  I think that it will make a cute dress for Kirtana’s doll.  Hmm, let’s see what comes out of it, what with the fuzziness of my anti-histamine infused brain and all.

There’s something wrong with this picture…

I am knitting socks!!!  I’m using DPNs to knit these socks!!!

Isn’t this the Sandlands where it’s perpetual flip-flops weather???  

Isn’t knitting in the round with size 2 DPNs just like a game of pick-up-sticks (a game that I suck at, let me add)???  

I’ll let you know what happens once I’m done knitting the cuff.  Let me tell you, small circumference knitting with so many sticks involved is scary stuff!!  Any tips from sock knitters out there are always welcome.

By the way, on my needlesssssss is the humble beginnings of the Through The Loops Mystery Sock celebrating Socktoberfest.  I’ve cast on with some lovely Sweet Georgia Superwash Merino yarn.

Since it’s hot and humid here in Dubai 9 months out of the year, I have often been drawn towards knitting tank top patterns.  However, I never seem to wear them out often enough, no particular reason, just never do.  So, when we went on our recent mini vacation, I was determined to dig these tanks out of my closet and wear them already!!!  And I did.  

Here beginneth the tank top parade…

First up, Smooch from the Rowan All Seasons Cotton Collection.  It was my first time working waist shaping into a garment and I loved how this type of nip-tuck knitting can transform the wearability of a garment. I have not turned away from waist shaping since.  The yarn I used was the lovely Rowan ASC and is one of the better cotton yarns that I’ve knit with.  I don’t remember much else about the project details in terms of needle size used and any changes that I made because I knit this about three years ago, but I still *heart* this tank.

An even older knit that I worked on in my pre-waist-shaping days was this halter tank using Phildar Copacabana.  It was an easy pattern that I just made up as I went along.  I remember using big plastic needles with this yarn and I hated how the yarn actually squeaked as the stitches slid along the needle.  Eeww!!  This was no fault of the yarn but purely to do with the plastic needles.  This yarn is a tape yarn which feels papery currently discontinued by Phildar.  I think that I used just under 4 skeins for this tank top.

Then there was another Phildar pattern for the Kate Halter waaaaaay back.  I knit this with Phildar Aviso and I have to say that I don’t care too much for this yarn, it’s splity, heavy and tends to pill.  This was another tank that was knit on huge honkin’ needles and so basically was done in no time.  The collar/straps construction was a first for me since most Phildar patterns have you work the collar separate after which you attach the live stitches <<eeeek>> to the main body one by one.  It’s knitting surgery and can cause a lot of cussing and a painful noggin, very easy to botch up.  So, if you’re ever going this route, proceed with caution or maybe throw caution to the wind and proceed after a stiff shot of a strong brew!

Lastly, remember when I cast on for this tank?  Apparently, I finished it but don’t think that it ever showed up on my blog.  I used Sublime yarn for this which is a merino yarn and so didn’t end up with the problem of it being too heavy or “blooming” after use like my other tank tops.  This pattern too was made up using an all over eyelet design and some waist shaping detail.  The back and front are identical and so I could have knit this in the round and saved my self some seaming, but I wanted a bit of sturdiness that only seams can give a garment to accentuate the waist shaping. I seamed the sides, no biggie!

Here endeth the tank top parade!

PS: I don’t know why lately all my images on WordPress look washed out, maybe a bug that needs tweaking.  But if you click on each image you will be able to see the actual color.

That’s all folks!!