Haven’t been able to post or knit lately since it’s exam week (for Prithvi, not me thankfully!!)  Lots of cramming happening and hardly any knitting or much of anything else.  Off to re-learn about how our muscles and tendons work.  Will be back shortly!



While they were played Our Song eleven years ago, we promised to have and to hold and to take this journey together.  I cannot think of any other place I would rather be than by your side. 


I love you forever. xxx

Due to Christmas knitting being synonymous with deadlines, I tend to stay away from it each year.  But this past Christmas, there were a couple handknit gifts – definitely a first for me.  I blogged about one in December and it was received in typical baby fashion – squeals of delight tearing through the wrapping paper and then chomp, chomp, chomp on the contents of the package and then back to shredding the wrapping paper.  I did manage to get a picture of the chomping:)


The other piece of Christmas knitting was Odessa (Rav) by Grumperina.  This was for a friend who will be moving to Halifax.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it.  I used Lang Merino yarn in a gorgeous burgundy for this hat and followed the pattern throughout omitting the beads.  Great pattern and fun to knit.  I’m thinking that I might knit this again maybe with some Rowan Calmer.

Both these projects were knit with yarn from the stash.  I’ve been reading all over blogland about knitterly resolutions and self-challenges. I have been thinking too about consumerism and the desire for more and the need for things and must-haves.  I would like this year to be different and so I hope to reduce my stash by at least half this year (gasp!!)  

As a family, we are going to steer away from the magnetic force that the words “Sale” have on us and even though my favorite china is on sale, I will say no!!!  I will weep a little, but will say no.  This is no easy task, what with the Dubai Shopping Festival a mere week away, this is going to be tough, tough, tough.  Wish us luck!

I blinked and the whole festive season passed by!!  Wonderful, special times with family and dear friends made this Christmas such a memorable one.

I smile when I think about the year gone by because of all the memories created.

On to new beginnings and new adventures.  Enter 2009!

With complete confidence that KiKi-Bee does not read my blog, here is “Emma”. 


This cutie (the doll not the toddler!) will be wrapped up and waiting under beside the tree, well, mini porcelain trees since we’re not putting up the fake Christmas tree this year.   I am pretty sure that she’s going to love this toy and I’m so excited:)

This pattern is from the amazingly talented Jean Greenowe called “Rainbow Babies“.  I followed the instructions for the body but the dress and embellishments were my own added bits. 


Love, love, love!!!

So, like I was saying, I’ve been on small project mode for a while now.  For now, this seems to be the only way to see some knitting progress with my limited knitting time.  It’s all good.

I recently discovered the cuteness that are knitted toys and got the pattern for Barbara Prime’s Well Dressed Bunny.  It’s amazing how quick the knitting went and it’s a good thing that I don’t mind mattress stitch seams because all the bits and pieces are knitted flat and then seamed!!  There are excellent hints on her website for putting this adorable toy together.

It looks like I’ve gotten the seasons and festivities mixed up.  I’m knitting bunnies at Christmastime when it should be stars and trees.  Moving on…

I dug out some Rowan 4-ply cotton from the stash which I thought could make a cute bunny.  Well, it turned out smaller than I thought it would – skinny yarn, small bunny.  In addition, I botched up attaching the limbs to the bunny’s body.  So, dude bunny here looks like he’s had hip replacement surgery.

About why he’s called Skater Bunny…and why he’s a he when I was trying to knit a girl bunny…I was working on the dress that is supposed to make this bunny “well dressed”.  That was not to be because the dress was going to be more like a huge, floppy tent*.  After a couple tries I gave up and moved on to my next small project, thinking that I would try working on the dress later. 

There’s a point to this monologue, trust me. 

Prithvi decided to “adopt” this discarded bunny and this is what he did to my girl bunny…

Meet Skater Bunny!!!


I think that he looks like a dude bunny with his floppy ears and so I haven’t tried knitting that dress again.  Our bunny believes in living on the wild side and so will remain undressed rather than well-dressed!!

*Barbara mentions on her website that many people have had problems with the dress being too roomy but she can’t seem to figure out why.  I think that if I ever decide to knit this dress, I will be going down 3 (yes, 3!!!) needle sizes.  Talk about toothpick knitting!!!

Every December, we seem to have a ton of goverment-issued holidays and this year has been no exception. Thank you Government, I’m not complaining!

Many day trips and fun activities were planned and enjoyed and much laughter warmed our hearts.



All this frenzy of fun has resulted in not many knits and purls and so I have nothing to show in terms of new knitting. A few projects are in various stages of progress (I’m still in small project mode) but nothing has flown off the needles. It’s ok though because this holiday season, I intend to savour every joyful moment.  I say this because lately during tis-the-Christmas-parties-season I’ve noticed many a conversation veering off into the ongoing saga of doom and gloom and the dreaded “R” word (yeah, I’m talking ’bout the recession), but it’s amazing how resilient the human race is and how we cling on to things that bring us joy.


More holiday magic to ensue because it’s back to school for Prithvi this week and then winter break!!  YAY!!! 

Embrace joy!


Yay…it’s December!!!!!


The kids have their Advent calenders out and Christmas carols are playing.  Lights and decorations are going to go up this weekend.  However, our fake tree is going to sit in it’s box unopened thanks to KiKi who insists on “tasting” everything that’s around. 

Bit and bobs I’ve fished out of her mouth recently: lego, newspaper, onion peel, a piece of plastic (I shudder to think where the rest of this object is – in her tummy maybe???), yarn, some questionable looking stuff, etc etc.  So the fake pine needles on our fake Christmas tree are not going down the same route, hence we shall do Christmas sans tree. 


However, the city is sporting many trees adorned with glistening baubles and crystals and fairy lights. While having dinner this weekend at a lovely waterfront restaurant, we spotted this ginormous tree.  It is fake of course (notice the palm trees alongside) and I think that you will see the city’s own “Babel” in the far distance (click on the pic to make bigger and you will see what I mean).  All the same, Christmas is in the air and I feel like singin’!!

On Santa…ever since Prithvi realized that there is no Santa Claus, the excitement around the pot-bellied guy in the red suit has diminished but he told me last week that we have to go back to Santa lists because KiKi can’t miss out on the fun and can he make his own list too?  Now, that’s what I call brain-wash-marketing!! 


A few years ago, he was really perplexed about how Santa dropped off his gifts below our tree since we have no chimney.  He came up with his own solution that Santa uses the air-conditioning vents since he had to find a way to cool off while in Dubai, because after all he’s from the freezing North Pole! 

Santa lists this year…still being debated!

Angry and Sad.  That’s what I feel. 

The terrorist attack in Mumbai that is ongoing is mindless, cruel, cowardly and unthinkable.  I cannot imagine how people can be so evil!!

A fellow Raveler‘s parents are being held hostage at the Taj Hotel.  My prayers and thoughts are with the innocents who are going through this harrowing ordeal.

Today is the day that so many of our friends are celebrating reasons to be thankful for. 

Does evil always have to win over good?  NAY, I say!

Kirtana turned 1 last week.  Surrounded by lots of love, family, friends and homemade cake (thanks to my wonderful MIL!!) our little one had a lovely day. 


It’s hard to believe that this little teeny bundle who was born underweight is now a walking, babbling, exploring toddler and brings us so much joy. 


We waited for her arrival for such a long time (8 years is a long time!!!!) and now she’s made our little family complete:)


Kiki-Bee…Mama, Daddy and Prithvi “anna” love you sooo much.