Even though I haven’t been blogging all that much lately, I have been knitting and I’ve got three projects going.  One of them is a mystery knit-along

This pattern is for a child’s sweater by the very talented, Elena Nodel.  The members of this mystery knit-along or MKAL get emailed instructions in pieces or “clues”.  Here’s my progress with Clue #1 done from a couple days ago…

Soon, I was working my way through Clue #2 and happy that I was making good progress.  Sadly, when I tried it on Kiki it felt really tight.  I ripped and re-did both the clues again using larger needles.

Much better.  I tried it on her again and it fits and is turning out to be quite cute!

I haven’t finished a Kiki-sweater in a while and this is a great way to get one done!  Clue #3 is already in my inbox!  I’ll report back with more progress or maybe even a finished sweater 😀

Happy first day of Spring everyone!  I hope you are enjoying your bit of sunshine today 🙂

I know, I know I’ve been remiss with blogging but, I’m back!  We kicked off Spring Break with a vacation to Oregon which was great fun.  Cold, but really great fun!

I even came back with goodies (uh huh, I fell off the yarn diet… slightly! ;))

Onto the knitting… I finished a pair of super fun socks last month!

This pattern was part of the Dubai Knits Yarn Club and I definitely think I got my sock knitting mojo back 🙂 The designer is Cristi H. Brockway known as turtlegirl76 on Ravelry.  I loved the mirrored patterning on each sock and the mock cabled heel and some other design features that were totally new to me.

The yarn!!!! This yarn from Dubai Knits is super soft and squishy.  Get this… the name of the yarn is “Squishy” – it couldn’t be more perfect!  Jocelyn’s got some mad dyeing skills and she hit it out of the park for this first round of club mailings with this gorgeous red colorway called “Devotion”.  Well done, Jocelyn!!

Tortuga Twist Socks (Ravelry notes)
Pattern: Tortuga Twist by Cristi H. Brockway
Yarn: Dubai Knits Squishy in “Devotion”
Needles: Size US 1.5 / 2.5 mm (yup, teesny!!)

These socks kept me so warm while we were in Oregon.  I’m looking forward to the next mailing of the Dubai Knits Yarn Club!

When you’re knitting with lovely yarn in a fabulous color, miles of plain stockinette or garter stitch don’t seem tedious at all.  Rows and rows of knits and purls stacked on top of one another are simply enjoyable, until you get to…. you guessed right… the sleeves!!!

The Garter Yoke Cardi became my go to project to bring to Knit Nite every Monday and for months it seemed like I was knitting and knitting but just wasn’t moving ahead.  Then one day, just like that, I cast off and it was done!

My gauge was definitely tighter than what the pattern called for, but I like the feel of the fabric with the stitches all squished together in this particular sweater.  The finished cardi has the right amount of ease and with a light t-shirt or camisole underneath, it will be perfect for wearing during the coming months too.

The only thing I don’t like about this sweater are the sleeves.  The pattern has you knit the sleeves straight with no shaping.  I added a set of decreases every three inches and still ended up with straigh-ish sleeves.

The yarn has amazing stitch definition and the color (“Honorine”) just seems to shine.  This sweater is almost the same color as my tulips ♥

The yarn, Tosh Vintage from Madelinetosh, is so soft against the skin and is machine washable too – I heart!

Garter Yoke Cardigan (Ravelry notes)
Pattern: #22 Garter Yoke Cardigan by Melissa LaBarre published in Vogue Knitting
Yarn: Tosh Vintage in “Honorine″
Needles: Size US 7 / 4.5 mm

Everyone has a favorite month and mine happens to be February.  No, not because of Valentine’s Day but because February is my birthday month 🙂  Yeah, I get me some good spoiling every February.  Even though my birthday isn’t until later this month, I’ve already been treated to breakfast in bed, sparkly trinkets, cards tucked in my purse from the kids and maybe a love note or two from my guy ♥  I also think that there’s a secret getaway being planned that’s all hush-hush until we actually get there 🙂

I have to confess that Mother’s Day pales in comparison to February, I love my family ♥♥

This month began with a treat in the mail – new yarn!!  I signed up for the first ever Dubai Knits Yarn Club and my dear friend, Jocelyn, master-dyer and owner of Dubai Knits put together an amazing kit for all of us club members.

A skein of her hand-dyed sock yarn base “Squishy” in an exclusive colorway called Devotion.  The richest red with black undertones – GORRR-JUSSS and definitely very squishy!!

The club mailings are kits and so we also received a pattern designed exclusively with this yarn and color in mind by the very talented, Cristi H. Brockway.  The pattern is for a lovely pair of socks called “Tortuga Twist” and if you’ve been following my blog for a while, you would have noticed that I haven’t knit a pair of socks since this one!!!  Yup, 2009!!

I haven’t run into any problems yet because I’m still on the leg of the sock where you knit round and round in pattern.  There will be plenty of help if I run into any questions because there is a knit-along for this pattern over on the Dubai Knits Ravelry Group.

But if that wasn’t enough, there was another surprise included in the package – a handcrafted bookmark by another friend, Rain!  The silver handle reminds me so much of Dubai and it made me nostalgic for the souks with their endless treasures and fragrant spices and of course my Amiras!

I love February!

I’ve been knitting away on the sweater for my son whenever I get  a few moments.  For all you moms out there with young children, you know how those free minutes are few and far between, right??

Anyway, I sort of wrapped the work in progress around his torso yesterday evening and I realized that this sweater isn’t going to fit him unless I blocked the life out of it once I’m done.  And the chances of it fitting then.. also highly questionable!  I went back to my notes and it looked like my calculations to size this design down made sense, but why wasn’t my knitting behaving?

Then I read this part in the pattern that says… “Gauge: 19 stitches and 34 rows = 4inches in Ranger Textured Stitch”.  Hah, my gauge swatch that I based my calculations on was done in Stockinette Stitch!

The Ranger Textured Stitch is done using a slip-stitch pattern.  That means that the resulting fabric will be denser and also tighter than it’s smooth, flat, loosey-goosey cousin, Stockinette.  So, guess what I’m doing right now?  About 13 inches through the knitting (gah) I’m swatching again using the right stitch pattern!

Lesson Learned: That fine print, it’s darned important!!

 As promised, we got our winter wonderland 🙂

The cuteness!!

Despite explaining to Prithvi that 2 cm of snow doesn’t count for the school distric calling it a “snow day”, he was up really, really early this morning watching the local news to see if his wish would come true.  Nope, no snow day today!

Snow makes everything so magical and yesterday’s sunset can bear witness to that fact.

The first thing Kiki asked me this morning was if we had any carrots.  I’m thinking, “This kid wants carrots for breakfast?  Something’s off!”  Turns out she and her brother have after school plans :: building a snowman, a snowball fight and making snow angels.  I might even join in for some of the fun!!

In knitting news, being the good mom that I am (hehe!), I told Prithvi last week to pick out a pattern that he would like me to knit for him.  That took less than ten minutes on Ravelry… there’s like 7 patterns for guys and a gazillion to choose from for us gals!  He chose Ranger from the issue of BT Fall 2011 and went stash-diving in my yarn bins for yarn.  He picked Rios by Malabrigo Yarns in the colorway called “Paris Night”.  Nice choice!

There’s a bit of math involved sizing it down to fit him and I’m also using a different yarn than what the pattern calls for.  But he said that he’d really, really like this sweater in this specific yarn and so I cast on.  Let’s hope my calculations work!

How has your new year been so far? All 13 days of it? Have you been organizing and clearing out all the clutter? This is something I do every time the new year rolls in. Once the Christmas decorations are packed away, the organizing bug bites me hard for a few days. It really helps that every store seems to have their boxes and bins and baskets on sale right now!

This year, I organized my yarn stash too and I was actually pretty surprised (and quite delighted) that my stash isn’t as overwhelming as I thought it to be. I know some of my friends have had quite the opposite experience. But, we’re all supporting each other to love that stash and knit it up this year. I really culled my ooh-shiny habit last year and began buying yarn only when I had a project in mind. Of course, I had a few slip-ups, but on the whole I think I’m understanding the whole point of Stashdown.

 I finally cast off for a project that’s been on my needles since the beginning of last year!!  I have to admit that half way through knitting this sweater I was bored to tears and it really doesn’t help that I think the sleeves are meh!

This project, my Garter Yoke Cardigan, is blocking right now and who knows how long that’s going to take because this is what we woke up to this morning….  So pretty!

The weatherman said it’s going to be “frosty with a chance of snow”!  I think we’ve been cheated this winter with temperatures that have been spring-like, I’m ready for some snow!

Does everyone feel like 2011 has flown by at warp speed or is it just me?  Personally, it has been a challenging year in many ways but at the same time so rewarding. 

My knitting journey has moved forward in a positive direction and although, it felt like I didn’t knit as much as I did in previous years, the number of finished projects as recorded on Ravelry and on my blog speak otherwise (that discovery was a pleasant surprise, to say the least!)

I’ve completed 22 projects this year :: 12 accessories and 10 sweaters (I must add, for the sake of full disclosure that 5 of these sweaters were for Kirtana ;)) 

Publishing my first pattern was a highlight of my knitting year and I enjoyed that process thoroughly. 

In fact, I’ve forgotten to add pictures and project details on Ravelry for one of the design prototypes – how that happened, I’m not sure!!

Pictures of my finished Emelie haven’t appeared on this blog.  That’s because most of the pictures from that shoot were destroyed by a salt water damage to our camera.  Here is one of the “survivors”.  I will re-photograph that sweater in the New Year.

As I stand on the brink of 2012, I look forward to new adventures in my knitting journey and sharing these adventures with all of you, my lovely blog readers.  Thank you for your friendship, your lovely comments and encouraging emails.

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you, may this year be truly remarkable! 


Not really, but that song is stuck in my head and I smile everytime I hear it 😀

So, Christmas came early for me since the UPS man showed up this morning with a rather large box.  No, he didn’t bring a boatload of yarn (although, that would have been lovely too!)  He did bring something else that’s been on my wishlist for ages…

Meet Scarlett O’Hara!  She now lives in my kitchen and she’s red 🙂

In the midst of all the usual hustle and bustle that’s a part of this time of year, I’ve managed to get a wee bit of knitting done.  Look… more red!

It’s the same pattern that I finished last month.  This time I’m using Tosh Vintage in my favorite color ever :: T.A.R.T!!!!  Kiki picked out this yarn and I was so surprised she didn’t pick purple or pink.  I don’t know if I can finish this before the end of the year seeing that I still haven’t finished all my Christmas shopping and then there’s that small matter of wrapping presents!  It’s a good thing there is no knitting police to enforce deadlines 😉

Despite all of the chaotic frenzy that surrounds the holidays, I hope that each one of you is enjoying family, fun and love during this special time of year!