The second Club Kit from Dubai Knits arrived at my door earlier this month. This month’s club had a bunch of goodies.  Heart shaped stitch markers from Fripperies & Bibelots, a much needed cute little measuring tape from The Sexy Knitter, aka, Sarah Wilson and the most adorable hand crafted polymer clay buttons from Tessa Ann.  How cute are these 🙂 The star of this package was the yarn!  Beautiful blue “Squishy” yarn dyed by Jocelyn, the owner of Dubai Knits. She named this colorway,… Read more »

I’ve been knitting the Ranger sweater for my son, Prithvi, for a while now and despite some gauge checks that had to be done mid knitting and the fact that he seems to be growing faster than I can knit, I was progressing at a steady clip on this project.  I joined the sleeves to the body of the sweater and kept making my way up the yoke decreases when I went to my bag of Malabrigo Rios to pick out… Read more »

Everyone has a favorite month and mine happens to be February.  No, not because of Valentine’s Day but because February is my birthday month 🙂  Yeah, I get me some good spoiling every February.  Even though my birthday isn’t until later this month, I’ve already been treated to breakfast in bed, sparkly trinkets, cards tucked in my purse from the kids and maybe a love note or two from my guy ♥  I also think that there’s a secret getaway being… Read more »

It has been a while since I knit anything for my son, Prithvi and when he mentioned this fact to me last week, I felt a humungoid pang of guilt!!  Determined to remedy this sad truth I cast on for a hat using some 100% alpaca yarn from Aslan Trends.  If you’re looking for a soft yarn, this is definitely cloud-soft!! I knew that garter stitch would be ideal and so I went on a Ravelry hat hunt.  I came across a pattern… Read more »

I don’t know about you, but the longer I have yarn languishing in my stash, the less likely I am to be excited to knit with it!  I recently found a pattern for a little girl’s sweater on Ravelry which I thought would be the perfect layering piece for Kiki.  The pattern I’m talking about is Cinnamon from the uber talented knitwear designer, Elena Nodel. I loved the chic-ness of it and thought about how gorgeous it would look knit it in… Read more »

This is fun, posting snippets of our vacation meanderings.  Here are some of my faves from today… Be still my beating heart! Come, sit a while… My favorite of all the maples – the Japanese Maple.  Ahh, sun dappled shade the best cure for the scorcher that was today. And there has to be yarn (thank you kindly, KnitMap, hehe!)  I’ve actually misplaced my 4.5 mm “sleeve circs” (you know, short circulars that are perfect for sleeve knitting in the round… Read more »

Looks like a ghost marina.  No wait, today is Tuesday.  These folks must be hard at work somewhere and probably wishing they were out here playing instead!  Also, the fun you can have with the Photosynth app.  Click here to see. My flower power gal 😉 Thanks to KnitMap, you can find a yarn store anywhere you wander and look what I found… this cute little yarn store in downtown Courtenay!  I picked out two skeins of Mirasol Qina in a lovely heathered purple.  Baby Alpaca… Read more »

My dear friend, Jocelyn, dyed me some special fingering weight yarn last year.  Her Etsy Shop, Dubai Knits, is always stocked with fantastic yarns in such pretty colorways.  I’ve been saving that yarn for something special and when Cecily published her adorable Breezy Blues pattern collection, I was all over it.  I cast on immediately for Drifting using my special Dubai Knits yarn.  This yarn is super lovely, with excellent stitch definition and just the right amount of loft.  It blocks out… Read more »

I cannot believe I forgot to blog about Metro!  (My Ravelry page says that this cardigan was finished on March 1!!!)  Better late than never, right?  When this pattern was published in the 2010 Fall issue of Twist Collective, I thought it was “nice” but never really got that I-Must-Knit-This-NOW type feeling. Then, I got this yarn as part of my Madelinetosh Sweater Club shipment and it was am-A-zing!  Meet Squishy!  Actualy, it’s tosh 80-10-10 Worsted MCN, but I prefer Squishy, the perfect… Read more »

When I bought this yarn from my LYS a few weeks ago, I knew that I wanted to knit something girly with it. What better than a little spring cardigan for my 3-year-old daughter, Kirtana.  So, I dug out my Barbara Walker Stitch Dictionary, picked out a stitch pattern I liked and began knitting.  Every time I would pick up this sweater to knit a few rows, Kiki would ask me, “Mama, are you all done?”  That alone was sheer… Read more »