I’ve been knitting the Ranger sweater for my son, Prithvi, for a while now and despite some gauge checks that had to be done mid knitting and the fact that he seems to be growing faster than I can knit, I was progressing at a steady clip on this project. I joined the sleeves to the body of the sweater and kept making my way up the yoke decreases when I went to my bag of Malabrigo Rios to pick out… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Cardigans
Mystery Revealed
The mystery sweater knit-a-long that I have been a part of is done! It looks quite adorable – poofy sleeves and all! Since this year’s spring is warmer than normal for most folks, the majority of knit-alongers decided to knit short sleeves on their sweaters. I, on the other hand, opted to follow the pattern for long sleeves so that Kirtana could get some use out of it later this year too. The longer sleeves provided for some interesting knitting and… Read more »
It’s All A Mystery
Even though I haven’t been blogging all that much lately, I have been knitting and I’ve got three projects going. One of them is a mystery knit-along ♥ This pattern is for a child’s sweater by the very talented, Elena Nodel. The members of this mystery knit-along or MKAL get emailed instructions in pieces or “clues”. Here’s my progress with Clue #1 done from a couple days ago… Soon, I was working my way through Clue #2 and happy that I was… Read more »
Garter Yoke Cardigan
When you’re knitting with lovely yarn in a fabulous color, miles of plain stockinette or garter stitch don’t seem tedious at all. Rows and rows of knits and purls stacked on top of one another are simply enjoyable, until you get to…. you guessed right… the sleeves!!! The Garter Yoke Cardi became my go to project to bring to Knit Nite every Monday and for months it seemed like I was knitting and knitting but just wasn’t moving ahead. Then one… Read more »
The Fine Print
I’ve been knitting away on the sweater for my son whenever I get a few moments. For all you moms out there with young children, you know how those free minutes are few and far between, right?? Anyway, I sort of wrapped the work in progress around his torso yesterday evening and I realized that this sweater isn’t going to fit him unless I blocked the life out of it once I’m done. And the chances of it fitting then….. Read more »
Snow, Yeah!
As promised, we got our winter wonderland 🙂 The cuteness!! Despite explaining to Prithvi that 2 cm of snow doesn’t count for the school distric calling it a “snow day”, he was up really, really early this morning watching the local news to see if his wish would come true. Nope, no snow day today! Snow makes everything so magical and yesterday’s sunset can bear witness to that fact. The first thing Kiki asked me this morning was if we had any… Read more »
How has your new year been so far? All 13 days of it? Have you been organizing and clearing out all the clutter? This is something I do every time the new year rolls in. Once the Christmas decorations are packed away, the organizing bug bites me hard for a few days. It really helps that every store seems to have their boxes and bins and baskets on sale right now! This year, I organized my yarn stash too and… Read more »
Mustard Cables
New threads for the Little Miss When I first saw this yarn, I fell in love with the color. I knew immediately that I wanted to knit a cabled sweater with a bit of chic thrown in. “Functional and fun” was what I had in mind. I love this little sweater even though it’s got a few boo-boo’s (cough..mis-crossed-cables-tight-sleeves..cough, cough!!) I used Cascade 220 Heathers for this sweater and I’ve already cast on for another one, this time using Ultra Alpaca… Read more »
Change Over
Time to say goodbye to these cute little cherubs and drag out “Mr. Fakey” to get him all spruced up. Because Tis The Season! The kids laid out our “snow village” this year and I have to say, they did a fine job of it! I do have a bit of knitting on the needles but since it is for Christmas gifting, I can’t really talk about it yet. I did, finish (sorta) a cardigan for Kiki in this lovely… Read more »
A wonderful way to celebrate Wovember with a wooly sweater… my Grandpa Sweater Aidez is completed and is the coziest thing ever!! I adore everything about it. What an enjoyable knit! Considering that this is a longer sweater and is knit using bulky yarn, it is actually quite light and the wool softened considerably after being treated to a warm bath with some wool wash. This design has different cables to keep the knitting interesting and after a long, long time, I… Read more »