This is what we saw on one of our bike rides last week…. What a perfect day to ride horses (or bikes)!  Time to bring out the spring knitting, don’t you think?  I was contemplating what yarn to use, when I looked at these beauties from my recently frogged Dark and Stormy Cardi and thought… Plan B! Same yarn, different pattern! I’ve been wanting to knit the Garter Yoke Cardi for a while now and so as always, I went trolling… Read more »

Stash!  Every knitter has a bit of yarn or boat loads of it.  Some knitters cram this stash into the deepest recess of their closets while others prefer to proudly display their piles-o-yarn for inspiration or…decor!  My stash is what I call, um…moderate 😉 and I try to keep it stuffed into the two large-ish bins in my closet.  Any overflow and I go into a state of panic.  You know the feeling… “Oh no, I spent all my money… Read more »

Only 3 hours south of us by car is Seattle.  We took an impulse road trip there last weekend and it was fun!  I love unplanned adventures like this and the kids were great about playing along. My favorite Seattle sight was Pike Place Market especially the flying fish with the singing fishmongers.  Check out these funny lamp men!! Wonderful stuff all around Post Alley outside Pike Place Market was very interesting with the famous Great Wall of Gum and fantastic graffiti. Ewww germy and… Read more »

My Bugga! adventure begins now. Bugga! yes folks, that exclamation point is intentional and rightly so.  Bugga! is MCN… which means that this yarn is 70% superwash merino, 20% cashmere (ooh la la) and 10% nylon.  Warm, durable and luxurious!  I never thought that durable and luxurious could ever go together:) I have to say though that even thought it is labeled ‘sock yarn’, it doesn’t feel like sock yarn more like a light sportweight and since I am not… Read more »

It’s been a tough couple days but I have declared that life’s too short to sit around and mope.  Also, a pile of nom nom is always good for the soul… I signed up for another round of the the MadTosh Sweater Club since I loved it so much the last time.  The first club mailing was Tosh Sport and the color I picked was Composition Book Grey (Grey-Gray? tomato-tomahto)  The perfect shade of grey which will make a lovely… Read more »

That’s all I have to say about this this and this Fell off the yarn diet wagon.  Bad, bad, bad!

I’m resisting casting on for another project with my delicious Tart with the Olympics just round the corner.  (don’t these babies look so yum) I don’t want to tackle something as large as a sweater right now.  Also, anything that I’ve swatched for lately doesn’t seem right.  Somehow my stitches are loose, and I mean REALLY loose.  To get gauge, I would need to go down 3 or 4 needle sizes and so I wait…until I get my swatch mojo… Read more »

Every skein of yarn in my stash bin has a story.  I can pick out the ones that were bought for a specific purpose and then I have those impulse skeins that just seem to hop on over into the shopping cart, virtual or otherwise.  You know the feeling :: you have the Visa out and you just pick that extra skein because, it’s on sale, or it’s a colorway that always sells out, or because it looks lonely sitting out… Read more »

No finished object this time although, I have some stuff on the needles.  I would love to say that I have some tweedy number flying off the pointy sticks with plenty of interesting twists and turns, preferably a cardigan with waist shaping, knitted in the warmest wool and in a lovely shade of wintry grey.  Did I mention that its tweedy?  That’s all just in my head.  In reality, I have some lovely projects on the go that I’m enjoying but there ain’t a single cable… Read more »

** Warning: Picture heavy post Following a thread on Ravelry about silk yarn in Bangalore got me all curious seeing that this silk was available in my hometown!  My first stop on our summer vacation in India was Bangalore and so the lure of silk yarn seemed too hard to resist.  Armed with some hastily scribbled directions, we took a crazy autorickshaw ride in search of this luxurious yarn and boy was I amazed.  I was looking for a yarn store… Read more »