Does anyone make New Year’s resolutions anymore? I am a long-standing member of the no-resolution camp. However, this year I have a new year “goal”. I am determined to document my creative pursuits more. Whether it’s via my blog or on my online journaling app — Day One. I found Day One through a recommendation by Youtuber, Ali Abdaal and have been using the app regularly since 2023. I have to say journaling via this online medium has been the… Read more »

Here we are, closing the final chapter of 2020. While a lot of this year was upside-down and inside-out, there were many things that went right. I’m choosing to remember the good things. My heart is filled with gratitude for all that has been and I look forward to all that is to come. Though this is blog post is different from the way I usually write about my finished projects, I wanted to document my creative 2020 makes. With… Read more »

I hadn’t knit socks for a while but last year, I knit 3 pairs! Two pairs for the men in my life and one for myself. I owe my daughter a pair of ankle socks but I haven’t started those yet. Today, I want to talk about the socks for the guys. I knit them both the Coffee Talk sock pattern by Tracie Millar from the Grocery Girls podcast. I liked this pattern so much that I knit it twice…. Read more »

Happy New Decade 2020! Last year whizzed by in a flash, didn’t it? It was a good year for me. A year where I learned to slow down and be thankful for so many things I simply take for granted. I accomplished a few creative things during 2019. Plenty of knitting, some sewing, a bit of watercolour and lots and lots of reading. Um, baking… still pretty much stumbling with that. I want to share my makes of 2019 but… Read more »