I almost forgot to share finished pictures of this project. I knit a little baby sweater for another soon-to-arrive bebe using the Baby Sophisticate pattern and Malabrigo (swoon!) yarn.
My favorite part about this pattern was the little shawl collar, definitely the “Sophisticate” part of this sweater!
I added the different colored buttons for a bit of whimsy and fun. This pattern was such a quick knit and I’m definitely going to be knitting it again. I went up a needle size from what the pattern called for and I’m glad I did because this sweater is tiny and newborns grow so quickly. Speaking of growing up, I’m going to really miss my two not-so-little munchkins. Vineet has been planning a big surprise for me since it was our 15-year anniversary and it’s also my big 4-GULP-0 year! He’s planned out this whole vacation for just the two of us for a few days and I don’t know many of the details like where we’re going to be staying etc. I only know that we’re Vegas bound and he said that it’s going to be a blast! We’re not into the whole gambling thing and so this is going to be interesting and exciting. We leave tomorrow and my sweet mom has offered to watch the kids while we’re away. I’m feeling all happy and sad inside because we haven’t been away from the kids, specifically Kiki for more than a night. But once we get on that plane tomorrow, I’m sure I will be fine.
I’d better get back to packing but not before I add some knitterly notes on this teensy sweater.
Baby Red (Ravelry notes)
Pattern: Baby Sophisticate by Linden Down
Yarn: Malabrigo Merino Worsted in “Ravelry Red”
Needles: Size US 9 / 5.5 mm