Does anyone make New Year’s resolutions anymore? I am a long-standing member of the no-resolution camp. However, this year I have a new year “goal”. I am determined to document my creative pursuits more. Whether it’s via my blog or on my online journaling app — Day One. I found Day One through a recommendation by Youtuber, Ali Abdaal and have been using the app regularly since 2023. I have to say journaling via this online medium has been the… Read more »

No.  Not the thigh high boots, trashy make-up, mini skirt wearing profession.  But this…. I was clearing out some stuff and came across this crocheted doily, table topper, runner (???) that I had finished a few years ago.  I do not remember where I found the pattern for this but I do remember exactly when I began working on this and it brings back sweet memories.  Picture this – freezing temperatures, crackling fire, Austrian alps, delicious warm Schoki… we were at a… Read more »