I’ve got a new sweater on the needles. This one is called “Wayfarer” by Kiwi designer Libby Jonson. This one has some lovely fitting details which makes for interesting knitting in my books.

Wayfarer has a cable panel running down the front and there are instructions and a design chart explaining clearly how things are supposed to be knit. Did I look (glance) at the chart? Yes. Did I read the instructions? Nope!

I was progressing nicely down my sweater and wanted to take a picture for my Ravelry project page. That’s when I noticed a whole cable was MISSING! Big oops!

I had two options, rip and reknit. Hmm… no, thank you. Or I could perform sweater surgery and salvage the situation. I opted for surgery.

I basically ripped out the stitches that were supposed to form the cable all the way to the neckband and picked them back up, row by row. I did the cable chart crosses as per the chart and things worked out.

Now, does the cable column appear wonky compared to the other two perfectly executed cables? Yes. But that will be rectified through the magic of blocking wool. At least, that’s what I’ve convinced myself 😀

Stay tuned to see how I progress with my Wayfarer.

3 thoughts on “sweater surgery

  1. Karen

    Love the fact that you didn’t rip and reknit the section to add the cable! It looks great and, no, definitely not wonky ….. your sweater looks perfect!


  2. Pingback: Spring Knits Featuring Wayfarer II %%

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