This is not an April Fool’s joke. I’m actually dusting the old blog off to write a post!
What have I been up to? Well, everything and nothing. All the days smush into one big ball of busyness and yet, there is no singular, major event making said smushed ball. But such is life. Especially after the blur it has been over the past two years. But let’s not dwell on that because this is a season of newness.
Spring has definitely sprung in full force in these parts, so fresh and blossom-laden. It’s like once we said goodbye to February, everything woke up from a Rip Van Winkle sleep.
I’ve even cast on a new sweater. At this point, it’s just the ribbing on the neckband and I have to see if I like it enough to keep going. The yarn is the most gorgeous colour and this picture does not do it justice.
I’ve finished a few other sweaters and projects that I have yet to document. I always forget how much I love blogging until I begin writing a post… I should do it more often!